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Write a simple test case

You can write a simple test case as simply as:

import os
import openai
from deepeval.metrics.factual_consistency import assert_factual_consistency

# Optional - if you want an amazing dashboard!
os.environ["CONFIDENT_AI_API_KEY"] = "XXX"
# Name your implementation - e.g. "LangChain Implementation"
os.environ["CONFIDENT_AI_IMP_NAME"] = "QuickStart"

openai.api_key = "sk-XXX"

# Write a sample ChatGPT function
def generate_chatgpt_output(query: str):
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
{"role": "assistant", "content": "The customer success phone line is 1200-231-231 and the customer success state is in Austin."},
{"role": "user", "content": query}
llm_output = response.choices[0].message.content
return llm_output

def test_factual_consistency():
query = "What is the customer success phone line?"
context = "Our customer success phone line is 1200-231-231."
output = generate_chatgpt_output(query)
assert_factual_consistency(output, context)

# Just run the following code in Python if required

Running it in Pytest

To run this in Pytest, you will need the asyncio framework

pip install pytest-asyncio
import pytest

async def test_factual_consistency():
query = "What is the customer success phone line?"
context = "Our customer success phone line is 1200-231-231."
output = generate_chatgpt_output(query)
assert_factual_consistency(output, context)

You can then run it in CLI using:

python -m pytest