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Define Your Own Metric

You can define a custom metric by defining the measure and is_successful functions and inheriting the base Metric class. An example is provided below.


As of right now, we do not currently support custom metrics for our dashboard but this will be supported in an upcoming version - we apologise for the wait! For any requests of additional metrics, please feel free to e-mail

import asyncio
from deepeval.metrics.metric import Metric

class LengthMetric(Metric):
"""This metric checks if the output is more than 3 letters"""
def __init__(self, minimum_length: int=3):
self.minimum_length = minimum_length

def __call__(self, text: str):
# sends to server
score = self.measure(text)
# Optional: Logs it to the server
return score

def measure(self, text: str):
self.success = len(x) > self.minimum_length
return a > b

def is_successful(self):
return self.success

def __name__(self):
return "Length"

metric = LengthMetric()